Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Napoleon Campaign Poster

Slogans, Outright Lie

Napoleon will keep you safe! Remember to vote Napoleon!

        Scared?    Worried about your future?

       Don't worry, just vote. Napoleon can keep the farm safe with his superior intellect and faithful dogs. Just remember, you wouldn't want Jones back, would you? Vote Napoleon to keep out Jones and vile Snowball!
                                 Look no more, you've got the right boar! Vote Napoleon for Animal Farm!

Fear, slogan, scapegoat, bandwagon, name calling

Naploeon's Food Ideas

        Hungry? Tired?

                                Vote Napoleon!

         Napoleon's rationing ideas and the windmill combined could double or triple the food production on Animal Farm. Just another reason why you, with everyone else, should vote Napoleon on this coming election day!

bandwagon, plain folks, euphemism, slogans

Friday, November 8, 2013

Vote Napoleon: a Testamonial by Boxer the Horse

             I have worked on this farm about eleven years. I remember Old Major, and I saw Mr. Jones go. I have seen the winters come and go, the summers pass on by. As a horse, I have worked my hardest for this farm. Animal Farm is special. A farm like this exists nowhere else in this country. Comrade Napoleon has seen us through it all, and has kept us all safe. We are well fed. None among us have been killed for the humans since Napoleon led us from the darkness. These reasons state why I, Boxer the Horse, will be voting for Napoleon in this coming election. Comrades, look no more, you've got the right Boar!


Testamonial, slogans, outright lie,

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Windmill

The Windmill

           Comrade Napoleon's Brilliant idea for a windmill to help around the farm could reduce the workload of all animals by a couple hours each day. It would make a profit for Animal Farm, and allow us to produce more foodstuffs. However, nefarious Snowball has set much of his evil focus upon its downfall. Vote Napoleon for President, and keep Snowball away.

Outright Lie, Fear

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Comrade Napoleon is running for president of Animal Farm!

      I, Napoleon of Animal Farm, shall commence a Presidential Campaign against the deceitful Snowball, who seeks only but to tyrannize over the entire farm. Remember it was he who has wreaked havoc on this farm, and we have lost so many good animals to his ensnaring voice. Do not believe anything he says!
                                    Best Regards,
                                          Comrade Napoleon

This post as examples of Name Calling, Scapegoat, and Outright lies.